//----------------------------------------------------------// //------------AW changed height and width of Print window in OpenPrint function 3/25/04----------// function entSubmitForm(event, form) { var isNav4=false; var isIE4=false; // find browser type and version if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("4.")>=0) { if(navigator.appName=="Netscape") { isNav4=true; } if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>0) { isIE4=true; } } // use the appropriate event property for the detected browser if (isNav4) { if ( event.which == "13" ) { form.submit(); event.returnValue = false; } } else { if ( event.keyCode=="13" ) { form.submit(); event.returnValue = false; } } } function activateBoxLink(obj) { if (obj[obj.selectedIndex].value != "") { top.location = obj[obj.selectedIndex].value; } } function resizeImage() { lg = document.images.length for(x=0; x0 ) { cellItems.item(0).bgColor="#ffffff"; resizeImage(); } else // --- old color light blue cellItems.item(0).bgColor="#CEDFEF"; cellItems.item(0).bgColor="#336699"; } } } // set background color of last var lastrow = rowsColl.item(rowsColl.length-3).getElementsByTagName('TD'); if (location.search.indexOf('&Print=Yes')>0 ) lastrow.item(0).bgColor="#ffffff"; else if (lastrow.item(0).className!='CenterContent') { // old light blue color -- lastrow.item(0).bgColor="#CEDFEF"; lastrow.item(0).bgColor="#336699"; } var box = document.getElementById('hidebluecol'); box.style.visibility='hidden'; } function setBreadCrumb2(crumbname,crumblink,link) { //var expires = new Date(); // expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + 7776000000); var path='/'; var domain=null; var secure=null; var name='level2crumbname'; var value=crumbname; setCookie(name, value,null, domain, secure, path); var name='level2crumblink'; var value=crumblink; setCookie(name, value,null, domain, secure, path); // clear level 3 crumbs var name='level3crumblink'; var value=''; setCookie(name, value,null, domain, secure, path); var name='level3crumbname'; var value=''; setCookie(name, value,null, domain, secure, path); window.location =link; } function setBreadCrumb3(crumbname,crumblink,link) { // var expires = new Date(); //expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + 7776000000); var path='/'; var domain=null; var secure=null; var name='level3crumbname'; var value=crumbname; setCookie(name, value,null, domain, secure, path); var name='level3crumblink'; var value=crumblink; setCookie(name, value,null, domain, secure, path); window.location =link; } function setCookie(name, value,expires, domain, secure, path) { document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + ((expires == null) ? 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"" : "; domain=" + domain) + "; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT"; } } arrow = new Image (15, 15); arrow.src = "/rodesign.nsf/btn_arow.gif"; noarrow = new Image (15, 15); noarrow.src = "/rodesign.nsf/btn_noar.gif"; vers = 0; macStyle = "/roresources.nsf/NARMACstyle.css"; // define path to mac style sheet macStyleHR = "/aehr.nsf/AEHRStyleSheet.css"; // define path to mac style sheet for aehr.nsf pcStyle = "/roresources.nsf/NARPCstyle2.css"; // define path to PC (and other) style sheet if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 4) { vers = 1; } //if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') != -1) && (vers != 1) && (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE 5')==-1)) if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') != -1) { //document.write(''); document.write(''); } else { //document.write(''); document.write(''); } //else if (vers != 1) function swap(imgname,on) { if (document.images) { if (on) { document[imgname].src = arrow.src; } else { document[imgname].src = noarrow.src; } } }; function swapimg(imgs,on) { if (document.images) { if (on) { document[imgs].src = "/rodesign.nsf/nav_" + imgs + "_mo.gif"; } else { document[imgs].src = "/rodesign.nsf/nav_" + imgs + ".gif"; } } }; // ---- Print page function //------------AW changed height and width of Print window in OpenPrint function 3/25/04----------// //------------SM added saveURL & openformPos to accommodate product pages 4/7/04----------// //------------SB added editPos to accommodate ADF documents 5/18/06----------// //------------sjb added readformPos to accommodate GMS lists 9/15/11----------// function openPrint() { saveURL=window.location.href; fullURL=window.location.href.toLowerCase( ); // look for ?open in URL and append &Print=Yes openformPos=fullURL.indexOf("?openform"); readformPos=fullURL.indexOf("?readform"); openPos=fullURL.indexOf("?open"); editPos=fullURL.indexOf("?edit"); if ((openformPos!=-1) || (editPos!=-1) || (readformPos!=-1)) { winURL = saveURL + "&Print=Yes"; } else { if (openPos!=-1) { hashPos = fullURL.indexOf("#"); if (hashPos==-1) { winURL = fullURL+"&Print=Yes"; } else { winURL = fullURL.substring(0,hashPos)+"&Print=Yes"+fullURL.substring(hashPos,fullURL.length); } } else { path=window.location.pathname.toLowerCase( ); nsfPos=path.indexOf(".nsf"); firstSlashPos=path.indexOf("/",nsfPos); if (firstSlashPos==-1) { winURL = path+"?OpenDatabase&Print=Yes"; } else { secondSlashPos=path.indexOf("/",firstSlashPos+1); if(secondSlashPos=="-1") { winURL = path+"?OpenView&Print=Yes"; } else { winURL = path+"?OpenDocument&Print=Yes"; } } } } window.open(winURL, "newwindow", config='height=600,width=770,left=50,top=0,menubar=yes,location=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,') } // --- next function are used in searches function entsub(event) { var isNav4=false; var isIE4=false; // find browser type and version if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("4.")>=0) { if(navigator.appName=="Netscape") { isNav4=true; } if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>0) { isIE4=true; } } // use the appropriate event property for the detected browser if (isNav4) { if ( event.which == "13" ) { window.location='/realtororg.nsf/$$TSResults?ReadForm&Query='+escape('('+document.nameSrch.searchMain.value+'*)'); event.returnValue = false; } } else { if ( event.keyCode=="13" ) { window.location='/realtororg.nsf/$$TSResults?ReadForm&Query='+escape('('+document.nameSrch.searchMain.value+'*)'); event.returnValue = false; } } };